The twelfth International Lead Poisoning Week (ILPPW) takes place 20-26 October 2024. This social media post builder has been created for you to share this year’s campaign message that Bright Futures Begin Lead-Free.
By sharing the social media materials on this page, you can amplify the campaign message in a unified way, which will help it gain exposure and momentum.
It’s straightforward to use, and we have provided all the assets you need:
- Simply Select the social platform you are using
- Choose from one of the six campaign images
- Select one of the messages from the list provided which contains all the details and ILPPW 2024 campaign hashtags
- Your chosen text and imagery appear in the blue box on the right. Simply download the image and text to your device, and you will have everything you need to create your ILPPW 2024 social post!
Thank you for getting involved in sharing the campaign on social media and being part of the global movement to prevent lead poisoning – particularly in children.
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Learn The Risks
Learn The Risks - Message One
No level of lead exposure is safe. Lead can be found in paint used in homes and schools, as well as on painted playgrounds and toys. Join us for ILPPW2024 to learn the risks about #LeadPoisoning so all children can have bright, lead-free futures. #BanLeadPaint More info:
Learn The Risks - Message Two
Many of the effects of lead on the nervous system last a lifetime and can include reduced IQ, difficulty learning, irritability, and anti-social behavior. It’s time we #BanLeadPaint globally and protect children’s health. #ILPPW2024 More info:
Learn The Risks - Message Three
Releases of lead into the environment contaminate our air, water and soil, which can cause widespread #LeadPoisoning. #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024 More info:
Learn The Risks - Message Four
Certain cosmetics, paints, pottery glazes, lead-acid battery recycling, and water systems can raise the risk of #LeadPoisoning. Check items before use so all children can have bright, lead-free futures. #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024 Learn more at:
Learn The Risks - Message Five
Children put their hands in their mouths as part of normal behavior. Encourage children to wash hands regularly and keep bottles & toys clean to avoid #LeadPoisoning. #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024
Learn The Risks - Message Six
Children can absorb lead from contaminated soil and dust as they play on floors & put hands and objects in their mouths. But childhood #LeadPoisoning is entirely preventable. #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024
Join The Action
Join The Action - Message One
20-26 October 2024 is International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week! #ILPPW2024 highlights the need for immediate action to protect children’s health from toxic lead to ensure bright, lead-free futures. Learn more about this campaign. #BanLeadPaint
Join The Action - Message Two
Lead is one of 10 chemicals of major public health concern where decisive multisectoral action is needed. Discover how you can join the action and support International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. #ILPPW2024 #BanLeadPaint #LeadPoisoning
Join The Action - Message Three
The health sector has an important role to ensure all children have bright, lead-free futures. Improving capacities to diagnose, monitor and prevent #LeadPoisoning, and working with affected communities are key. #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024
Join The Action - Message Four
This #ILPPW2024 we encourage governments, civil society, the health sector, industry & others to mobilise against #LeadPoisoning. If we #BanLeadPaint in all countries, we can ensure all children have bright, lead-free futures. More info:
Eliminate Lead Paint
Eliminate Lead Paint - Message One
More than 40 additional countries have developed new legally-binding controls that restrict lead paint, prevent #LeadPoisoning, and ensure bright, lead-free futures for all children. Join us in calling upon all governments to complete action to regulate the use of lead in paint. Case studies to help others replicate results are available at: #BanLeadPaint #ILPPW2024
Eliminate Lead Paint - Message Two
Many of the effects of lead on the nervous system last a lifetime and can include reduced IQ, difficulty learning, irritability, and anti-social behavior. It’s time we #BanLeadPaint in all countries and end childhood #LeadPoisoning. #ILPPW2024
Eliminate Lead Paint - Message Three
To ensure bright, lead-free futures for all children, governments without laws should #BanLeadPaint, building on the guidance from the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint’s Model Law. #LeadPoisoning #ILPPW2024
Eliminate Lead Paint - Message Four
Paint without added lead is entirely possible. #ILPPW2024 encourages paint companies to manufacture paint without lead. Check out @UNEP’s Lead Paint Reformulation Technical Guidelines to learn how. #LeadPoisoning #BanLeadPaint
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